Grieving Together: Navigating Trauma Therapy For Your Family After A Loss

When a death occurs, it is important to remember that everyone in the family is affected by the loss in different ways. Sometimes, even those who are not directly related to the person who has passed away can experience overwhelming emotions and trauma. If your family is struggling to cope with a recent loss, trauma therapy may be a helpful step in the healing process. Here are some things to keep in mind as you navigate this difficult time.

About Psychological Testing

Psychological testing involves the use of standardized tests as well as other assessments to assess the various aspects of someone's psychological functioning, cognitive abilities, personality traits, current emotional standing, and more. There are many reasons why someone may undergo psychological testing, as well as many benefits to having it done. This article will provide information on some reasons for having it done.  Reasons for having psychological testing done Making a clinical diagnosis: Psychological testing can be used to help accurately diagnose someone who may have a mental health disorder or be struggling with another crisis.

3 Reasons To Go To To Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is a common way to help strengthen romantic relationships and work through any issues you are facing. While many couples wait until their relationship is at a point of extreme crisis before attending therapy, studies show that couples often wish they'd started therapy earlier. If you are considering going to therapy with your partner but would like to know more about the benefits, or you'd like to persuade your partner to attend couples counseling with you, here are three major reasons to keep in mind:

How Individual Counseling Can Help You Cultivate A Healthy Mind

Now more than ever it is not uncommon for people to struggle with depression, anxiety, and a whole host of other mental health issues. In fact, mental health issues can affect any person at any age. The best way to keep your mental health in check is to schedule an appointment for individual counseling to learn ways to cultivate a healthy mind. Become more self-aware It is possible to struggle with mental illness and not be aware that something is amiss.

EMDR: Can It Help With Panic Attacks?

If you've been doing some research on mental health treatment options, you may have heard of EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. This psychotherapy treatment method can address a variety of mental health issues. In fact, EMDR may also treat panic attacks. Here's what you should know about EMDR, anxiety, and panic attacks. What Are Panic Attacks? A panic attack is a sudden, intense episode of fear or discomfort that can cause physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.