How Alcohol Addiction Rehab Therapy Can Help

Some people believe alcohol is safer than other drugs. It's true that alcohol is a legal substance, but alcohol addiction can cause many physical, emotional, and social problems, just like other drugs. Alcohol addiction typically occurs when a person abuses alcohol over a long period of time. Eventually, their body develops a dependence on alcohol, and they experience withdrawal symptoms without it. These physical side effects will prompt them to continue drinking to avoid the painful experience of withdrawal. Freedom from alcohol is possible, but many people need to go to rehab first. Here are three things that alcohol addiction rehab therapy can do for people with a drinking problem:

1. Give you access to a doctor.

Alcohol addiction is a physical problem as much as a mental one. Alcohol can physically change the structures in your brain when used over long periods of time. It can also cause liver and kidney damage. Before you start on any recovery program, you should first see a doctor for a thorough physical exam. Your doctor will ask you some questions about your alcohol use. These questions will help them diagnose alcohol addiction. They will also make sure your body is healthy enough to undergo the detox process.

2. Help you through the withdrawal process.

Alcohol withdrawal is typically unpleasant and painful. It can even be dangerous, depending on the level of your physical dependence. In alcohol addiction recovery, you will undergo medically supervised detox. During this process, a doctor will monitor your progress by measuring your heart rate and blood pressure at appropriate intervals. You may be prescribed medication to help you deal with unpleasant side effects such as hallucinations and tremors. Most acute withdrawal symptoms subside after a few days, but you may not feel completely normal for up to a week after your detox.

3. Provide counseling and support.

Discontinuing alcohol use is difficult. For many people, alcohol is their drug of choice. It's the way they self-medicate to avoid dealing with feelings and situations they don't feel able to cope with. Alcohol is an inappropriate coping mechanism, but in order to overcome your addiction, you will need to find a way to fill the void that alcohol used to fill. Alcohol addiction counselors are trained to help people in your situation. They will provide the practical and emotional support you need to transition to healthier forms of self-soothing. Your addiction counselor may ask you to explore the roots of your emotional turmoil, which may stem from depression or PTSD.
